How to create a poll in Telegram

Imagine that you have a superpower – the ability to read people’s minds and instantly get answers to any questions. Sounds fantastic, doesn’t it? But what if I tell you that such an opportunity really exists and is available to every Telegram user? Meet polls – your key to the hearts and minds of your audience! With their help, you will be able to instantly collect the most valuable information, better understand your subscribers and customers, and make more effective decisions. And all this in just a few clicks. In this article, we will analyze in detail how to create a poll in Telegram on various devices, what settings are available, and how to work with the results.

How to create a poll in Telegram

What is a poll needed for in Telegram

Polls in Telegram can be used for a variety of purposes:

  • Getting subscribers’ opinions on any issue;
  • Conducting votes for making decisions in a group or on a channel;
  • Organizing quizzes and interactive activities to engage the audience;
  • Collecting statistics and analytical data;
  • Getting feedback about products, services, content;
  • Entertaining and maintaining subscriber activity.

Polls allow you to easily and quickly find out the opinions of a large number of people, while respondents spend a minimum of effort. This makes polls an effective communication tool in Telegram.

How to create a poll in Telegram

How to make a poll in Telegram? Creating a poll differs slightly depending on the device, but in general, the process is very simple and intuitive. Let’s take a closer look at the options for smartphones and computers.

On the phone

To create a poll in Telegram on a smartphone:

  1. Open the desired chat, group, or channel where you want to publish the poll;
  2. Click on the paperclip or plus to bring up the attachment menu;
  3. In the menu that appears, select “Poll”;
  4. Enter the question text and add answer options (no more than 10);
  5. If necessary, adjust the poll settings;
  6. When everything is ready, click the “Create” button to publish the poll.

The poll will be sent as a message. Users will be able to vote by clicking on one of the proposed options. You will be able to follow the voting progress and view the current results at any time.

On the computer

In Telegram for computers, creating polls is performed in almost the same way, but taking into account small differences in the interface of different versions of the application:

  1. In the classic Telegram Desktop application, click on the three dots in the bottom right corner of the window and in the menu that appears, select “Create Poll”;
  2. In the alternative Telegram Desktop K client, use the paperclip icon, as on a mobile device, and select “Poll”;
  3. In the web version, click on the paperclip icon next to the input field and then on the button with a graph (chart) image;
  4. The further steps are similar to the mobile version – enter the question, answers, adjust the settings, and publish the poll.

The settings interface may differ slightly visually, but the features are the same on any platform. You can be sure that the poll will work correctly for all users.

Creating a poll in Telegram on a channel

How to make a poll in a Telegram channel? The process has its own features and limitations related to the specifics of this type of resource:

  • In channels, you can only publish anonymous polls, where it is not shown which option each voter chose;
  • In addition to regular anonymous polls, you can publish quizzes in channels, but you cannot create an open vote;
  • Only channel administrators can create polls, regular subscribers do not have this option;
  • Any user can vote in a poll on a channel, even if they are not subscribed to that channel. It is enough to get a direct link to the message with the poll.

The process of creating a poll on a channel is the same as in a group – you write a message and choose the “Poll” attachment type. Next, you need to enter the question text, answer options, and select the desired settings – anonymity and/or quiz.

All subscribers can see and forward a poll published on a channel. In addition, administrators can repost the poll record to other chats and channels.

How to create a poll in Telegram using a bot

Some users prefer to create polls in Telegram using special bots, although the built-in capabilities of the messenger are sufficient in most cases. Bots can be useful if you need extended functionality and additional settings, for example:

  • Support for media files as answer options (images, videos, GIFs);
  • Detailed statistics and analytics of results;
  • Ability to flexibly change settings after publishing a poll or during the voting process;
  • Flexible editor for creating complex questions with branching and conditions;
  • Automatic publication of polls on a set schedule;
  • Customization and branding of the poll widget.

Some popular bots for creating polls in Telegram:

  • @polling_bot – can create polls with media files, offers various settings and templates;
  • @vote_robot – allows you to poll users in private messages and collect responses in a single interface;
  • @QuizBot – specializes in creating quizzes with the ability to assign prizes.

How to create a poll in Telegram using a bot? To do this, you will need to find the bot through search, start a dialogue, and follow the instructions. Usually, these are intuitive step-by-step wizards. The ready-made poll will be provided by the bot in the form of a link that you can share with your audience. Despite the additional capabilities, bots have not become widespread for organizing polls, yielding to built-in polls. But in the case of specific tasks, this is a good alternative.


Polls in Telegram allow you to actively interact with the audience, get valuable feedback, and data for decision-making. The polls built into Telegram have great potential for both personal and business communication.

With the help of polls, you can effectively collect opinions, conduct research, get feedback, and simply entertain your subscribers. Thanks to the variety of formats and flexible settings, you will be able to adapt polls for any goals and audiences.

Telegram is constantly developing and improving the functionality of polls. It is possible that in the future, new interesting features will appear that will make this tool even more useful and versatile.

The most important thing is that polls allow you to establish a dialogue with your audience and better understand their needs. This is invaluable in the modern world, where communication and the ability to listen to your customers or subscribers comes to the fore.

Therefore, experiment, try different formats, ask interesting questions, generate insights and valuable content using polls. This will allow you to create a deeper connection with your audience and successfully achieve your goals through Telegram.

Polls are a powerful yet very accessible tool that is limited only by your imagination. It’s time to start using it to the fullest!

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