How to recover a deleted channel in Telegram

Sometimes administrators of Telegram channels may delete their community either accidentally or due to temporary upset. Afterwards, there is often a desire to restore the Telegram channel. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to regain access to the channel itself, even if you were its administrator. Correspondence data will also be irretrievably lost, as Telegram does not store it in the cloud. However, there is a way to recall the name of the channel if you accidentally left it. Let’s look in more detail at how to do this.

How to return a deleted channel in Telegram

How to restore a channel in Telegram after deletion

It is not possible to restore your own channel that you administered in Telegram. A different situation arises when you need not to restore a completely deleted channel, but just to find one that you once left. If you accidentally left an interesting community and want to return, a few simple steps are required. Let’s understand how to restore a channel in Telegram so that you have no questions or doubts.

On the phone

Unfortunately, it is technically impossible to restore access to a left channel through the Telegram mobile app on a smartphone (Android or iOS). There is no functionality for this.

On the computer

To find out the name of the channel you previously left, do the following on a computer:

  1. Log into the Telegram application on a PC or laptop;
  2. Click on the three stripes at the top left to open the menu;
  3. Go to “Settings,” and then to “Advanced Settings”;
  4. Find the “Export Data from Telegram” section;
  5. Check the box next to “Private or Public Channels”;
  6. Click the “Export” button.

After this, a file with data will be downloaded, where you can find a list of channels you have left. Knowing the name of the channel, you can try to find it through the search in Telegram on your phone and resubscribe.

An alternative option is to write to another channel member and ask them for the name or to send an invitation link. But for this, you need to have the contact of at least one of the users.

What data may be lost

When a Telegram channel is permanently deleted by its administrator, the following information is irretrievably lost:

  • All messages, photos, videos, and other files;
  • The list of subscriber contacts;
  • Correspondence between participants;
  • Channel settings and access rights.

Telegram takes security and privacy seriously, therefore all data are encrypted and not saved on external servers after deletion. That is why it is so important to think carefully before deleting your channel.

If you simply left someone else’s channel, you will be able to see all the information that was published there in your absence, after re-subscribing. In this case, the content is not lost.


In conclusion, deleting a Telegram channel is a serious and irreversible step that leads to the permanent loss of all information and subscribers. Therefore, before deciding to take such a step, think carefully and weigh all the pros and cons.

If you accidentally left someone else’s channel, the situation is much simpler. Just remember its name, find it through search, and resubscribe. For this, you can use data export from the settings of the desktop application of Telegram or ask another participant for an invitation link.

Be careful and cautious with your channels and chats in Telegram. Careful handling and thoughtful actions will help avoid unpleasant incidents and the loss of important information. Use the messenger wisely, develop your communities, communicate, and enjoy the process. And if necessary – now you know how to regain access to lost channels.

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