What it means in Telegram “Last seen recently” and how to make one

Telegram is valued by users for its security, convenience, and extensive privacy settings. One such feature is the control over who can see your status, indicating the last time you visited the app. What does “Last seen recently” mean in Telegram and why is this feature necessary? The fact is that one does not always want to share their activity information with everyone. Sometimes it is necessary to hide your presence in Telegram from certain people to avoid unwanted attention, unnecessary questions, or just to maintain personal space. Moreover, the visibility of the “Last seen recently” status can be exploited by malicious actors to track your actions and gather information about you.

In this article, we will examine in detail how to set the “Last seen recently” status in Telegram. You will learn what this status means and why to hide it, how to configure the visibility of your activity on both phone and computer, how to add exceptions for individual contacts, as well as ways to bypass the hiding of the status (and whether it is advisable to do so).

What do you mean the telegram was recently

Why it is necessary

Setting the “Last seen recently” status in Telegram allows the user to control their privacy and hide information about their activity from other users. This can be useful in various situations, for example:

  • When you do not want certain people to know when you were online;
  • If you want to avoid unwanted communication or intrusion from some contacts;
  • To maintain confidentiality and not disclose unnecessary information about yourself.

Sometimes users intentionally set the status “was recently” in Telegram, even if they have not logged into the messenger for a long time. This can be done to create an appearance of activity or to avoid awkwardness in case of a long absence of a response. The “Last seen recently” feature can be used not only for casual communication but also for business purposes – for example, to monitor the activity of employees or the operation of a remote team. However, it is important to adhere to ethical standards and not abuse one’s official position.

How to set “Last seen recently” in Telegram

To configure the “Last seen recently” status in Telegram, you need to go to privacy settings and choose who will see your last activity. Detailed instructions for the phone and computer are provided below.

On the phone

  1. Open the Telegram app on your smartphone;
  2. Go to the “Settings” section (three stripes at the top left on Android or the gear icon on iOS);
  3. Select the “Privacy” option;
  4. Click on “Last Activity”;
  5. Choose the desired option: “Everyone”, “Contacts”, or “Nobody”;
  6. If necessary, add exceptions for individual contacts;
  7. Press the “Back” button twice to save the changes.

On the computer

  1. Launch Telegram on your computer;
  2. Click on the menu (three horizontal stripes at the top left);
  3. Enter “Settings”;
  4. Go to the “Privacy” section;
  5. Click on “Last Activity”;
  6. Select who will see the time of your last login: “Everyone”, “My Contacts”, or “Nobody”;
  7. Add contact exceptions if necessary;
  8. Press “Save” to confirm the changes.

It should be noted that you can more flexibly configure the visibility of your activity by adding individual contacts to exceptions. That is, you can hide the “was recently” status from almost everyone, but keep it visible for a few select users. Or conversely – show it to everyone except certain contacts.

To add exceptions on the phone:

  1. Go to “Settings” -> “Privacy” -> “Last Activity”;
  2. Click “Add Exceptions”;
  3. Select the necessary contacts;
  4. Press “Done”.

To add exceptions on the computer:

  1. Open “Settings” -> “Privacy” -> “Last Activity”;
  2. Click on “Add Exceptions”;
  3. Select contacts from the list;
  4. Press “Save”.

How to bypass the “Last seen recently online” status in Telegram

Sometimes the opposite task arises – to see the last login time of a user who has hidden this information in privacy settings. There are several ways to do this:

  1. Create a second account. If you have another phone number, unknown to the target user, you will be able to see their activity status from the second account. Just make sure this number is not added to the exceptions list;
  2. Ask for help from friends. You can ask one of your friends or acquaintances to add the contact of interest and check the information about the last visit. But this will only work if the user has not hidden their activity from everyone;
  3. Use third-party trackers. There are special apps and services for tracking activity in Telegram, such as Tgtracker. They allow access to a complete history of visits, despite privacy settings. However, using such tools can be illegal and unethical.


The status “Last seen recently” in Telegram is not just a minor detail of the interface, but a powerful tool for managing privacy and communication. It allows you to control who can see your activity, and at the same time itself carries important information about the involvement and availability of the interlocutor. But the visibility of the last visit is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it helps to coordinate communication, shows interest, and creates a sense of presence. On the other hand, it can be a source of stress, pressure, and violation of personal boundaries. Therefore, it is so important to have the ability to adjust it to your needs. Telegram provides quite flexible options for managing the status – from full visibility to strict hiding, with the possibility of adding exceptions. But even this may not be enough in the face of modern tracking and monitoring technologies. There will always be ways to bypass privacy settings – the question is just how ethical and lawful they are. In the end, relationships in a messenger are built not on statuses and ticks, but on trust, respect, and readiness to meet each other halfway. You can hide behind privacy settings as much as you like, but if there is no sincere desire to communicate – no “was recently” status will help. Therefore, when configuring the visibility of your activity in Telegram, think first not about how to hide from annoying interlocutors or create an illusion of presence, but about what format of communication will be most comfortable and natural for you and your contacts. Perhaps, sometimes it is worth preferring a live conversation instead of eternal online presence in the messenger.

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